Brief Project Description:
Project Connect is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services Program serving 300 eligible youth of Imperial County. Services include all 14 mandatory WIOA Youth Elements to eligible youth between the ages of 14 – 24 years of age. Year-round services commence between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025. Both in-and out-of-school youth who meet the WIOA definition are eligible to receive education, occupation, and leadership skills, in addition to guidance support and counseling.
Description of Services:
Project Connect staff provide intensive case management, and direct services and linkages to help youth improve their educational level, gain workforce skills, and improve their long-term labor market skills. Eligible youth services will include tutoring/study skills training; alternative secondary school offerings; paid/unpaid work experience; occupational skills; leadership development; supportive services; adult mentoring; comprehensive guidance and counseling; integrated education and training; financial literacy; entrepreneurship skills; labor market information; post-secondary preparation activities; and follow-up services.
Project goal(s):
Enroll 300 eligible youth; place youth in employment and educational opportunities; help youth in the attainment of industry-recognized degrees or certificates; help youth increase their literacy and numeracy skills and improve their long-term labor market skills and opportunities.
Eligibility/Targeted participants:
14–24-year-old low-income individuals and 16 – 24-year-old out of school youth. Interested candidates must call 760-482-2627 to apply or visit their local Americas Job Center of California (One-Stop Center).
Imperial County Workforce Development Board with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding.
Length of Funding:
Year-round services commence between July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.
Contact Information:
Adrian Gonzales
Program Manager II
701 N. La Brucherie Rd.
El Centro, CA 92243